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You! A Weekend Workshop in DC, June 2-3

  • DC Improv 1134-1140 Connecticut Avenue Northwest Washington, DC, 20036 United States (map)
Here's a picture of me. Or, as you might say, "you, David."

Here's a picture of me. Or, as you might say, "you, David."

YOU: A Workshop
A two-day master class where I'll be focusing on "YOU," showing you the life-changing awareness of “you ... being on stage with you.”

Set aside all of the unnecessary elements of improv training and replace them with a life-changing awareness of “You ... being on stage with you.” I feel that, contrary to popular improv belief, the most important person on stage is YOU. YOU get to notice what happens, YOU get to be aware of what’s inspiring you, YOU get to follow what energizes you, and YOU get to celebrate the surprises that YOU create.

With the YOU workshop you’ll enter the world of personal awareness and presentness, of the excitement of knowing what to do the moment the moment arrives! YOU are in charge, and this workshop will be a study of--and a practice of--you connecting to you. YOU are the boss of YOU. This is the work that I'm most excited to share with you.

The “YOU” workshop will focus on ...

  • Owning calm self-awareness at the beginning of your scene, immediately leading you toward strong points-of-view.
  • Building strong characters instantly and effortlessly through the “presentness” with your movements.
  • Letting go, moving on. The moment feels like it’s over…now what? You will always know what’s the “now” about your scene.
  • Group Scenes Reduced. A group scene doesn’t have to be a confusing or feared clusterfunk. Get yourself into that scene! Razowsky’s workshop will show how the art of the three-person (+!) scene is simple once it’s broken down, leading you to stronger, challenging, surprising, and easy long-form scenes. Start it out right, heighten it, move it forward, and keep it moving. Come join us: we need you!
  • Operation Cooperation. Are you helping your partner smoothly fly through the scene, or are you not aware? If you’re there to be your partner’s “Hype Man,” you’re the perfect partner. The finest of scenes start with two actors working with one mind…the scene’s mind! Make the stage your “cooperating room!”

This will all lead up to you being a strong, confident, courageous actor, producing scenes that will most surprise ... you.

Info is here