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BLOOM! Maui Improv Intensive is SOLD OUT!

  • ProArts Playhouse 1280 South Kihei Road Kihei, HI, 96753 United States (map)
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(The "Bloom" workshop has SOLD OUT! Mahalo, friends. Here's a description of what we'll be doing. Should you be on Maui, please come to our performance on Sunday, 2/25, at 8:30pm.)

BLOOM! Razowsky’s Improv Intensive

Feel your scenes blossom. Be focused. Certain. Mindful. Free of thought. Bloom.

February 21-25, David Razowsky is returning to Maui with his refreshing, invigorating and impassioned improv teaching style. This workshop is focused not on the tricks, but on the truth, your truth, encouraging you to use your heart instead of your ego. We will focus on organically creating strong defined points of view, working with positive choices, collaborating on a “deep tissue” level, and effortlessly building group scenes. The workshops will be followed by a show where all workshop actors will perform with Dave. This is a great opportunity.

For info, please email mauiimprov@gmail.com