We've sold out of Putting it All Together, A Weekend Improv Intensive. If you'd like to be put on a waiting list, please contact me through the website. I hope we can work together soon!
David Razowsky has been traveling all over the world working with actors on a very specific type of impro: Mindful, fully-aware, “Present Presence” work. Razowsky’s focus creates real scenes in real time, organic discoveries, surprising turns, and satisfying true moments.
Over the course of 3 days, participants in Putting it All Together will focus on:
- Recognizing and creating from a strong “point of view.”
- The creative certainty that comes with confident heightening, and how that in itself creates strong characters and relationships.
- “Owning” the stage and your place in it.
- Creating a sense of “where” without thinking, planning, worrying, or inventing.
- Learning to surrender emotional elements of the scene in order to build honest and real scenarios.
Putting it All Together is a toolbox of confidence, allowing the actor to enter any stage, work with any other actor, and live in boundless full environments. Those who have worked with Razowsky know one thing: their work strengthens each time they participate in on one of his workshops.
Friday, June 9, 7-10pm
Saturday, June 10, 10am-7pm
Sunday, June 11, 10am-5pm
Sunday, June 11, 7-8pm, The Putting it All Together Cast with Dave Razowsky!, an evening performance where all workshop students will perform with David Razowsky at Pocket Theater, 8312 Greenwood Ave. N, Seattle WA 98103. Please join us for the performance whether you participate in the workshop or are just curious about the great work we'll be doing.
Limit: 16 Students. No refunds.