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Back in Sydney! October 25, 29!

  • Improv Theatre Company Sydney Australia (map)

Improv Theatre Company's hosting two workshops, no waiting. (Unless you wait. DON'T!)

I'll be giving a full day workshop on Sunday 29 October 2017 consisting of two workshops: change and the Jerry chart, and sharpening your point of view. This is an amazing opportunity to work with David consistently over a full day.

  • Revelations. A scene doesn’t change unless someone in it changes. How do you know you’ve changed, and how can you spot an emotional change? Get in touch with that inner alert that tells you it’s time to take the next step in the action.
  • Sharpen your Point of View. The very first exchanges of your scene tell you all you need to know about who you are and where to emotionally and energetically go. Are you aware of that? Are you listening to yourself at that time? This workshop will guide you to your point of view, and have you following yourself confidently, bravely, excitedly, and easily. It’s as simple as that!

I will also be giving a 3 hour evening workshop on Wednesday 25 October 2017.

  • Expose your UnderWhere. One of the first things to escape you when you hit that stage is your “where,” the objects around you, and, well, you know why: because you’re thinking about “where to put things.” This workshop’ll connect you to everything that’s already there, freeing you from thinking and encouraging you to see, helping you explore relationships and create characters in ways you’ve never done before.

Each workshop is strictly limited to 16 people so you get more time.

Details live here.