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Almost Sold Out! "Strong Choices" and "Operation Cooperation," Melbourne, AUS!

  • The Improv Conspiracy Level 1 / 19 Meyers Place Melbourne, CBD Australia (map)

We're making strong choices, and learning the benefits of cooperation. It's a lot like grammar school, only we can now drive cars and make our own food. All at The Improv Conspiracy in awesome Melbourne, AUS. 

Strong Entrances, Strong Choices
Be aware of all that’s happening at the top of your scene and you’ll be aware of the power you have in your character. It starts as all things do: at the beginning!
Single Session
Monday, June 27

Operation Cooperation
Are you helping your partner smoothly fly through the scene, or are you not aware? If you’re there to be your partner’s “Hype Man,” you’re the perfect partner. The finest of scenes start with two actors working with one mind…the scene’s mind! Make the stage your “cooperating room!”
Single Session
Wednesday, June 29