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Razowsky in Philly

  • The Wilma Theatre 265 S Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 (map)
Let yourself be...

Let yourself be...

Friday, April 15, 7-10pm.
Saturday, April 16 and Sunday, April 17 10am-5pm
Wilma Theatre
265 S Broad Street
(Broad & Spruce Streets)
Philadelphia, PA 19107


A Masterclass Dedicated to “You, Philly”! Set aside all of the unnecessary elements of improv training and replace them with a life-changing awareness of “You being on stage with you.”

It doesn't matter what level improviser you are, this is a game-changer for "You."

With the full-day YOU masterclass you’ll enter the world of personal awareness and presentness, of knowing what to do the moment the moment arrives. YOU are in charge, and this workshop will be a study of--and a practice of--you connecting to you. YOU are the boss of YOU. 

The “YOU” “takeaways” will include:

--Owning calm self-awareness at the beginning of your scenes immediately leading you to strong points-of-view. 

--Letting go, moving on. The beat feels like it’s over…now what? You will always know what’s the “now” about your scene.

This will all lead up to you being a strong, confident, courageous actor, producing scenes that will most surprise…you.